Comment briefly on the following statement: (d) Job design is essentially a strategy of human resource management. ~ Vivek Economics


Comment briefly on the following statement:  (d) Job design is essentially a strategy of human resource management. ~ Vivek Economics

Comment briefly on the following statement:

(d) Job design is essentially a strategy of human resource management.



 Job design is an important aspect of human resource practice. It affects the organisational effectiveness. It also plays an important role in improving quality of working life. It designs the tasks required to complete the job successfully. Job design is affected by many factors such as external environment, organisational structure, state of technology and behavioural patterns, downsizing. Job design must be consistent with the organisation strategy.

 Job design should fulfill some aspects of organisational effectiveness such as job rotation i.e. rotating from one job to another in the organisation, job enlargement i.e. facilitating additions of more tasks to the job, job enrichment i.e. coping with more responsibilities, building of working groups that can work independently and in association with other groups within the organisation to achieve objectives.

They should also meet the required quality. Quality circles can be formed. Job design should be framed in such a manner that it should facilitate the growth of certain basic characteristics such as variation in skills and competence, identification of tasks, capability to work independently, and facility to take feedback. It will increase the experience of the employees and provoke them to take responsibility which will in turn heighten their morale, motivate them to attain high standards of quality, to achieve fullest satisfaction after work and prevent them to remain absent from work.

 Job design involves determining the specific task and responsibilities to be performed and carried out by the employees. It is a complex process. It enables to identify employees’ skill and competence with the job requirements. It ensures organisational efficiency and effectiveness.


 There are two by-products of job design:

 1. Job Content:

 Refers to the activities to be performed on the job, tools and equipment’s to be used while performing and task to be performed and responsibilities are to be carried out. Job content also refers to the skill, competence, abilities, experience required to perform the job.

All these qualities a job applicant must possess to perform the job. The human resource manager must seek these qualities at the time of acquiring human resources through recruitment and selection processes. Certain jobs require multifaceted talents to perform them, freedom to do them independently; some jobs require close supervision while performing. Medical practitioners have to perform their job very carefully because it has serious impact on the lives of others.

 2. Responsibilities Attached to the Job:

 Refers to the organisational responsibilities attached to the job that are to be carried out by the job performers e.g. rules and regulations, work schedules etc. The carrying on the responsibilities thrown on the employees results into job satisfaction after the successful performance of the job and motivate them further.

 Jobs should be redesigned after regular interval. In the industries where division of labour classify and divide the jobs into many and workers have to perform some part of the whole job, get bored with the same after some time. Monotony develops. Moreover, there is idle time when workers have to wait for completion of others task. To avoid all this jobs should be enriched and they should be taught and trained to do others job. For example welders should know the job of fitter or cutter, rigger and so on. They may then help each other to get their jobs completed.

 The responsibility of completion of job can be assigned to group of workers who can work together and get the job completed within due course. This will remove many ills prevailing among workers and at workplace. Workers will also be motivated by giving some incentive to the group for early completion of job or doing more jobs within a stipulated period of time. This will create good working environment and multi-skilled workers. Efficiency of workers will increase.

Comment briefly on the following statement:  (d) Job design is essentially a strategy of human resource management. ~ Vivek Economics
