Differentiate between the following: (d) Approach approach conflict and approach avoidance conflict. ~ Vivek Economics


Differentiate between the following:  (d) Approach approach conflict and approach avoidance conflict. ~ Vivek Economics

Differentiate between the following:

(d) Approach approach conflict and approach avoidance conflict.


1. Approach-approach conflict:

In this type of conflict individual will have two desires with positive valence which are equally powerful. For example, a person has two attractive job offers and he has to choose any one of them- tension arises.

Such conflicts are not so harmful, because after selecting one, the other one automatically subsides or loses its importance to him. But in some situation choice will be very difficult. For example, a girl has to choose either loving parents or a boy friend for inter-caste marriage. Such cases are like ‘you cannot have the cake and eat it too’.

The individual will be psychologically torn and may lose equilibrium. This type of conflict is diagrammatically represented in Figure 4.3.

Approach-approach Conflict

2. Approach-avoidance conflict:

This is also a most complex conflict and very difficult to resolve. Because in this type of conflict a person is both attracted and repelled by the same goal object. Here the goal object will have both positive and negative valences.

The positive valence attracts the person, but as he approaches, the negative valence repels him back. Attraction of the goal and inability to approach it leads to frustration and tension.

For example, a person is approaching to accept a job offer, because the salary is attractive- but at the same time he is repelled back as the job is very risky. A man wants to marry to lead a family life, but does not want the responsibilities of family life. This type of conflict is diagrammatically represented in Figure 4.5.

Approach-avoidance Conflict

Differentiate between the following:  (d) Approach approach conflict and approach avoidance conflict. ~ Vivek Economics 
