Write short notes on the following: (c) Group cohesiveness ~ Vivek Economics


Write short notes on the following:   (c) Group cohesiveness ~ Vivek Economics

Write short notes on the following: 

(c) Group cohesiveness


Group Cohesiveness

 Group cohesiveness is visible if the aims of the group and its members coincide. If there is a good attachment between members and similarity of goals then it forms an intact organization.

 If the liking between members is not that good the cohesiveness of the group gets weakened. Individual goals are different from group goals lessens the bond between members. If an individual puts his career and desires in the forefront and joins the group for his own selfish interest, it will negatively impact the group.

Salient Features Affecting Group Cohesiveness

In business management studies, strategists and industrial personnel claim that cohesiveness increases productivity and dynamism and also is helpful in the retention of employees in the group. Vice versa the group supports the members to achieve much more than he would do on his own.

 Groups as a comprehensive element with skillful working provide a conducive atmosphere to enhance ones interactive skills and abilities.

 1) Like-Mindedness

 A group should consist of like-minded individuals with similar tastes to a certain extent. Then only the group can achieve common goals.

 The group selects individual members on the basis of some familiarizes with the group likings. People with different thought processes than the group’s motives are generally rejected.

 A common goal for the group is identified and it is understood that members will work for the group’s interest inclusive of their own interest.

 2) Dialogue

 Logical communication between the group and the members is most essential. Thoughts should be verbally explained to reach a final conclusion.

 Any kind of misinterpretation of words between members and the groups will lead to all sorts of trouble.

 The member’s mindset should be properly put across the table to avoid any miscommunication. This will also help in forging and strengthening the bond among the members and the group.

 3) Background

 Previous experiences of other groups and exposure to a different set of ideas are also very important. Different experiences bring different perspectives which help in enhancing the performance of the group.

 New thoughts and views from varied sources give birth to newer ideas and create more awareness and productivity within the group. People from different backgrounds have fresh ideas from their previous experiences which helps in the growth of the group and in turn help in the group cohesiveness.

 4) Confidence

 Reliability and trust is an important element in group cohesiveness. The individuals in a group need to trust the team and its decisions to bring about a positive change.

 Trust connects the group and the members so that decisions can be taken in unanimity

Write short notes on the following:   (c) Group cohesiveness ~ Vivek Economics 
